34362 - LV52 HKO

Transbus Pointer Dart 34362 LV52 HKO

New in  2002 for Stagecoach Selkent' s TB Garage for use on route 314 amongst other routes. This bus became quite popular as it was the last of the batch staying at TB whilst the rest transferred  to TL for route 380. 34362 then transferred to PD to finish her service life up there on the 469s to release our very own 34366 to go back to TB. 

34362 was then to become the first single deck training bus at Stagecoach London in quite a few years. We kept a close eye on this bus when it left London, for a short stint as a trainer in the Cambridge area before joining a College teaching engineering apprentices how to fix buses. 

A chance email again to them and they said it was no longer in use and about to head off to the scrap yard soon. we couldn't allow that to happen so a deal was done and home she came. well part way she needs a fair old bit of work 

Brief History 
