DMS356 - V356 DLH


Dennis Trident ALX400 17523 LX51 FOD. 

New in November 2001 to Stagecoach Selkent at TL for the route 160.  Apart from working the 160 523 spent time on all routes before transferring to Leyton in 2011.

Shortly before withdrawal 17523 went to Glasgow for the Common wealth Games before Eventually returning back to London to be withdrawn. 

Claim to fame with this bus is the fact it was the First Dennis trident to be preserved. beating 17524 by a few weeks which is preserved by the Glasgow Vintage Vehicle trust. 

A brief vehicle history is below from Ians Bus stop. minus the fact it never went to Ensignbus like he says on there. 

Brief History

11/01 TL new to Stagecoach Selkent for 160 (Catford)

3/02 TL 17523s

1/03 TL renumbered

4/04 TL repaint

6/05 TL

12/05 TL awaiting a new front

1/06 taken away for repair

2/06 TL return to service

4/06 TL repaint

6/06 TL East London Bus Group (Macquarie Bank)


7/11 T transfer (Leyton)

7/14 loan to Glasgow for Commonwealth Games

8/14 U return to store, withdrawn

10/14 bought for preservation